Kataklysm - Unconquered

$18.19 $25.99


Thundering with newly fueled power from the shadows and dust of humanity's crumbling existence, KATAKLYSM return triumphant with their 14th full length studio album: UNCONQUERED. For almost 3 decades, the French-Canadian melodic death metal syndicate has delivered unapologetic waves of powerful sound across the entire globe. As of late, that globe has suffered tremendously, forcing the inspiration of many artists to extinguish, but for KATAKLYSM, the pressure caused a creative spring to burst forth with furious energy. Themes of fighting back and overcoming the insurmountable seethe through the lyrics and melodies of UNCONQUERED; consistent, sonic reminders of the battles that lead to triumph.

Songs like the hostile first single “The Killshot” give definition to the steadfast existence of KATAKLYSM as a whole. Taking this album by the horns, the band had a desire to modernize what they were doing, and to be brutally honest, more so than ever before. The second single “Cut Me Down” is exponentially haunting and melodic. The song also includes guest vocals from Tuomas Saukkonen of the Finnish metal band Wolfheart. His powerful vocals accompany the track perfectly. Long nights, whether in person or from a distance, were spent writing and composing this album. KATAKLYSM fans will hear obvious moments that reflect back to the times of Shadows & Dust and Serenity In Fire; Straight forward, no mistakes, no compromises.

Not many bands have achieved what KATAKLYSM has in the span of their long and rigorous career, but what truly makes them stand them apart from the masses is seeing the world through truthful eyes, and creating the perfect musical landscape to describe it. With this new album, KATAKLYSM comes swinging at life with hope, and renewed energy even amidst the world’s current, chaotic state. These things combined with KATAKLYSM’s relentless and organic ability to create, are the roots of what has bestowed UNCONQUERED upon us.

1. The Killshot
2. Cut Me Down
3. Underneath The Scars
4. Focused To Destroy You
5. The Way Back Home
6. Stitches
7. Defiant
8. Icarus Falling
9. When It's Ov

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